Important News:
The Scholarship Application process for the 2024-25 school year will open December 15, 2023 and close by midnight, March 1, 2024. Scholarships are now available for any Washington County high school student who will attend any UW System School for incoming freshmen, current UWM-WSH freshmen, and returning or current UWM-WSH sophomores. Current sophomores at UWM-Washington County are encouraged to apply for third-year (junior) scholarships if they are attending an accredited 4-year university of their choice next academic year.
Scholarship Welcome
The Washington County Charitable Foundation was founded in 1974 by forward thinking community leaders who understood the importance of a university education. By providing scholarships for Washington County high school students, the Foundation assists incoming UW System Freshman to achieve their goal of earning a college degree.
Thanks to almost five decades of generous community support, the Washington County Charitable Foundation has been able to award over $4 million in scholarships during the last twenty-three years alone. This generosity has helped more than 1,700 deserving students launch their college careers. The Foundation is able to do this through donations from individuals who attend events, respond to direct mail appeals, and generously create scholarships for a particular interest that they may have in higher education.
The Washington County Charitable Foundation distributes scholarships from over 50 funds and makes over 75 awards each year. Scholarships are awarded to students based on their:
- achievement in school or
- financial need or
- interest in certain fields such as:
- education
- nursing
- theater
- science
- business
- involvement in an extracurricular activity or
- community involvement
The scholarship range is from $300 each year to $12,500 for students who are Washington County High School graduates. Scholarships for New Freshmen (1st year) and Sophomore (2nd year) students attending any UW System school are eligible. If you are going on to your Junior (3rd year) you may attend any 4-year accredited university to finish up your degree.